Get to Know Us
The company started with an online magazine named; The Creation Brainstorming Magazine while I was building Turner Studios and then with everything I built from here to Mexico City I learned tons of secrets behind the scenes in amazing shows and networks. I was always an inventor submitting many ideas and plans that saved companies from thousands to millions. We have a story of the company's evolution to what it is today in our school. An educational fast-track school that shows and teaches by example. That is what the video magazine is today. We have successfully helped others with their projects and can save you money and time with the knowledge you will get from here. Our products will be posted for sale here with many extras. Leave your email so we can send you the link to our shows, which will also be posted on this web site. The first two will be The Creation Brainstorming Magazine and The Outdoor Cowboys. Stories and onsite filming and interviews to motivate, inspire, and assist you to the top of your mountain one step at a time, as there will be many to come.